MOST DO NOT recognize it as such but society has stepped beyond the threshold of a new era, a time of ever more increased volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). Historical benchmarks of success have been overturned. Strife, turmoil, anger, flux, and toxicity abound as a result of the VUCA environment and we are all impacted. What worked in the past is not working today. The environment is in such flux nothing is constant anymore.
To overcome the VUCA environment Leaders must upskill and become comfortable living in Beta Mode, i.e., one of near constant change. Most people, to include Leaders, are not comfortable in Beta Mode and yet today’s churn is not going away any time soon. A new approach to Leader and individual performance is required – no fluff, no extraneous material, just a practical ROI-inducing approach to amplified Leader Engagement and bottom-line results.
- CRE's Founder
Dale Foster
Dale is a lifelong student and practitioner of Leadership. He has served in CEO and COO equivalent positions as well as numerous Director level positions. Dale understands the Art and Science of leadership hence his preference for interventions that blend both people and process improvements. He enjoys the interactions required to resolve effectivity related issues as both he and clients are learning together. Dale is results oriented ergo CRE’s focus on adding value and real time ROI: CRE interventions are root cause oriented as a result.